Friday, August 27, 2010


1. The Institute for Global Citizenship and Equity at the Centennial College, Canada. is organising a conference entitled, "Engaging Hearts and Minds, Equity, Social Justice and Citizenship in Action" on 8 March 2011 in Toronto. Papers are due on September 30, 2010. Details are available here:
2. The Fifth International Film Festival and Conference on Water will be held from 27- 30 August in Bangalore at multiple venues. For details please visit:
3. The 1st Global Conference Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds will be held on 20th March – Tuesday 22nd March 2011 in Prague. Abstracts are due on 1 Oct 2010. For details visit
4. PILSARC is organising a conference on ths Status of Refugees in North Eastern States on 4th September in Delhi. For details visit:

Calls for Papers
1. NLIU Law Review has called for papers. The deadline is October 4. For details, visit:
2. The Journal of Empire Studies has called for papers which examine specific subjects comparing eastern and western empires. The deadline for the next issue is November 15 2010. For details, visit:

1. Toto Funds the Arts is offering an award for Creative Writing. The deadline is October 15, 2010. For more information go here:
2. SPAN, the magazine is holding an article writing competition. Entries are due on September 1st. For details, see
3. The Development Alternatives Group in partnership with Green Economy Coalition (GEC), the Ring Alliance of Policy Research Organisations, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi are organising the TARAGRAM YATRA, an event to bring to together policy makers, research scholars, and practitioners to address problems relating to poverty and the environment. It will take place from 17-21 September at Delhi. For details visit:
4. The ICRC is holding a young reporter competition. The deadline for entries is October 1 2010. Details may be found here:

1. Bhagwan Dhoondo, a play by Yours Truly Theatre will be performed ADA ranga mandira, JC road, next to townhall,

 infront of Ravindra kalakshetra, Corporation circle, Bangalore at 7 pm on 29 August.

2.The Bangalore Photography Club is having their annual exhibition, called Frames of Mind, at Chitrakala Parishat from 22-24 October. For details visit here:
3. Indian Ensemble will be performing Treadmill (lang: HIndi) by Sandeep Shikhar, directed by Abhishek Majumdar at Ranga Shankara on 29 August. For details visit
4. The Bangalore International Centre is having a talk on Adoor Gopalkrishnan on September 13th, delivered by Gautaman Bhaskaran. It is open to the public.

5. The Bangalore RTI Clinic will be holding a session at Cubbon Part on 28 August, from 2-4 pm, opposite the Press Club. For information contact: Manohar +91.95.3503.7596, or Gururaj +91.94.4884.9353

Volunteering and Internships
1. Citizen Matters, an online newsletter and service is looking for contributors and columnists. For details, see the attached document.
2. Accountability Initiative is looking for a Research Associate. For details, visit:

3. Google is looking for a policy intern. For details, see the attached document.


General / Of Interest
1. Madness Mandali, an open visual poetry project is open. You can participate or visit here:
2. The Planning Commission invites comments on the 12th 5 Year Plan - visit here:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Call for Papers: Socio-Legal Review

About the Journal
The Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published annually by the Law and Society Committee of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. The Journal aims to be a forum that involves, promotes and engages students and scholars to express and share their ideas and opinions on themes and methodologies relating to the interface of law and society. SLR thus features guest articles by eminent scholars as well as student essays, providing an interface for the two communities to interact.

The Journal subscribes to an expansive view on the interpretation of “law and society” thereby keeping its basic criteria for contributions simply that of high academic merit, as long as there is a perceivable link. This would include not just writing about the role played by law in social change, or the role played by social dynamics in the formulation and implementation of law, but also writing that simply takes cognizance of legal institutions/ institutions of governance/administration, power structures in social commentary and so on. Through this effort, the journal also hopes to fill the lacunae relating to academic debate on socio-legal matters among law students.


1. All contributions submitted to the journal should be original and should not be simultaneously considered by any other publication.
2. The Editorial Board has refrained from imposing a theme. A submission is welcome as long as it fits within the general mandate of the Journal, as outlined above.
a. Contributions should be mailed only in a soft copy to, the subject of the mail being ‘Submission for 2011 volume’. Biographical information is to be provided in a removable title page.
b. The Journal is accepting contributions for Articles and Short Articles. With reference to Articles, contributions should not ordinarily exceed 8000 words. With reference to Short Articles, contributions should not ordinarily exceed 3000 words. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject without review manuscripts that exceed the word limit substantially.
c. The last date for submission is November 30th, 2010. Submissions may, nevertheless, be made after this date. They will be considered for publication in the next volume.
d. All submissions are to be made via e-mail as .doc documents (preferably Microsoft Word 2003).
e. SLR follows the Harvard Blue Book – A Uniform System of Citation (19th edn.) style of referencing. Contributors are requested to comply with the same.

For any clarifications, please mail us at 


In the interest of maintaining public records of our activities, and increasing visibility, the Law and Society Committee has instituted a blog. We'll be posting regularly on events and news of interest to the student community at NLSIU as well as things of general interest to the public.