Monday, September 27, 2010


Conferences and Calls for Papers
1. The Journal of International Law and International Relations (JILIR) invites submissions from scholars of both International Law and International Relations for its Fall 2010  issue. For details, visit the journal's website here:

2. The Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy at the Faculty of Law of the Université Libre de Bruxelles will host a conference on "Jus Post Bellum and Transitional Justice," October 21-22, 2010, in Brussels. The program is here.

The McGill University Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism will host a conference on "Human Rights and Diverse Societies," October 7-9, 2010, in Montreal. The program is here.

The European Society of International Law will conductthe 4th ESIL Research Forum, to be held on 27-28 May 2011 in Tallinn, Estonia. The call for papers is here. The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the forum's 15 panels is 15 December 2010

5. Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, is organizing an International Conference on the theme Education for Peace, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development: Towards a Paradigm Shift  during 8-10 December 2010. For online registration and further details, please visit

6. The Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law is seeking papers for presentation at Contemporary International Law Issues in the Asia Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges, the International Law Association Asia-Pacific Regional Conference to be held May 29-June 1, 2011, in Taipei, Taiwan.
Proposals of no more than 300 words, including the author's name and full contact information, should be e-mailed no later than December 20, 2010, to

7. The Georgetown Journal of Law & Modern Critical Race Perspectives seeks submissions for its symposium, The Disparate Impact of Natural Disasters on Marginalized Communities Worldwide. The Journal reviews submissions on a rolling basis.

8. The AsianSIL has a call for papers for its Third Biennial Conference which will be held August 27-28, 2011 in Beijing. The conference theme is Asia and International Law: A New Era.In order to apply, please fill in the online submission form by Wednesday, 1 December 2010, 2300 hrs, Beijing Time.

The Editors of the Pace Law Review invite proposals from scholars and practitioners for our third annual issue on New York law that is slated for publication in Spring 2011,. Please submit proposals of no more than 500 words to plr [at] by October 15, 2010.

News and Resources

1. The School Choice Campaign has recently released 'Student First!' a new magazine on education law and policy in India. To view it online, visit:

Research Projects
1. The Privatisation in Higher Education Initiative (PERI) of the Open Society Institution invites expressions of interest for a research project that seeks to that seeks to contribute to a better understanding on whether, through what mechanisms, with what outcomes, and for whom the increasing adoption of a widening range educational service regulation and delivery mechanisms might lead to more effective and equitable education systems. For more information, visit:

Volunteering Opportunities
1. Janaagraha, a Bangalore based NGO is looking for volunteers to assist with a citizenship education program for children. For more information visit:

Monday, September 20, 2010


Conferences and Calls for Papers
1. The Fourth World Universities Forum invites panel and paper proposals, by October 14, 2010. For more details please visit:

2. The Fourth Gender Politics in International Governance Conference will be held from October 6-8, 2010 in Geneva. The conference takes the establishment of the new UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women – to be known as UN Women – as an opportunity to reflect on existing international gender equality policy and to think about strategies for the new entity. Those who are interested in attending should register via email. There's no registration fee, and all sessions will be in English. For more details visit:;jsessionid=08EC92449C5D06237A8CB799D9BC8A29?evenementId=95440

3. Prof. Sarasu Esther Thomas at NLSIU is co-ordinating and bringing out a series of publications on gender and the judiciary The deadline is October 31 2010.  The call for submissions may be viewed at 

4. The Raoul Dandurand Chair at the University of Quebec along with the Association for Borderland Studies will be holding a conference on "Fences, Walls and Borders: States of Insecurity?". The deadline for abstracts is October 15 2010. For details go here:

5. Varta, the journal from the Bharathiya Arthik Shodh Sansthan, has called for submissions on "Globalisation and Inclusive Growth: The Indian Experience". Last date for submissions is September 30th. For details including the style sheet, length and so on please contact 

6. Submissions are invited by the Bharathiya Arthik Shodh Sansthan for a conference on "

"Recent Poverty Debate in India: Measurement, Issues and Relevance". The themes of the conference are 

(1) Globalization-growth and its transmission process, (2) Growth and poverty nexus, (3) Institutional and structural mechanism of poverty alleviation, (4) Issues of methodology and measurement of poverty indices, (5) Relevance and appraisal of poverty alleviation programmes in India and International experiences. The last date for abstracts is Sep 30, and for papers, Oct 30. The conference will be held on Nov. 20-21 2010. For registration and details please contact Prof P N Mehrotra at

1. Attakalari Centre for Movement Arts will be holding Attakalari Biennial, a festival to celebrate 
individual and fresh voices in contemporary movement arts and to serve as a forum for the exchange of expertise in dance, design and research. It is a showcase of global movement arts with a special focus on works that incorporate new and emerging technologies in digital arts and interactivity. It will be held in January and February at venues across Bangalore. They're also inviting applications for various performances. For more details, please visit 

2. The Building Livable Cities Symposium is a pan-India event focusing on sustainable urban living, and will take place in five cities in India over Oct 18-22 2010. For details and registration, please visit:

3. Mmhonlumo Kikon is an Human Rights Activist from Nagaland - in the Northeast - opposed to inhuman wrong. He will be speaking on "Disordering Durable Democracies in India's North-East", on 21 September at 5-7 pm at the offices of The Environment Support Group, Bangalore. If you intend to go, please confirm your attendance by email to in advance so they can make arrangements. For the address and directions, go here:

Competitions and Other Opportunities
1. The Jerome Cohen prize Essay in International Law and East Asia is open for submissions. The deadline is September 24, 2010. More details are available here:

2. The Young Urban Leaders Competition and Fellowship Program for 2010 is open for participation. For details and deadline please visit:

3. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Indian Soul invites stories on love and friendship.The last date is 15th October 2010. If your entry is selected, they will pay you. Previously blogged/published work is accepted so long as prior permissions are taken. Poems are also accepted. Authors retain copyright. You don't have to be a teenager. Email entries to
4. Ivolunteer has launched its overseas volunteering program. For more details please visit:

5. The St Andrews Prize for the Environment has launched its latest edition. For details on entries, registration and deadlines please visit:

6. Vibgyor Entertainment is looking for actors for a play/production that will be staged from 13-19 December in Bangalore. Contact Anil Ramachandra, Artistic Director at Vibgyor at +91 98456 02265, with your name, date of birth, experience with theatre and available timings for rehearsals. 
7. Sutradhar, NLS' own amateur theatre group is looking for actors to fill in several roles, preferring people who are below the age of 25 and have time to attend rehearsals regularly. For details, please visit:

1. Toto Foundation for the Arts will be conducting a theatre workshop along with the Attakalari Project on October 3 2010. For details, please contact: Toto Funds the Arts, by ordinary post, to TFA, H-301 Adarsh Gardens, 47th Cross, 8th Block, Jayanagar,
Bangalore 560082.or 

News and Resources 
1. The Centre for Women's Global Leadership has made its 2010 Take Action kit available online, for free. The kit has been developed to encourage all campaign participants to plan a peace vigil or peace march for Monday, November 29th in a show of visible, global solidarity against militarism & violence against women. It can be accessed here:

1. A group of parents of differently-abled children are meeting to discuss the new proposed disability law and put together recommendations for the drafting committee. They need volunteers to play with the kids and keep them entertained for a couple of hours. Those interested in helping out may contact Kavitha at 98807 42028.

Thursday, September 16, 2010



1. The World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics invites abstracts on the theme of Politics and Informatics, inter alia, by October 6th, 2010. The conference will take place in Orlando, Florida from July 19-22, 2011.For more details, visit: . Hat tip to Adithya Banavar for the notification, thank you!

2. Jamia Millia Islamia is organising a conference on "Relevance of Policy Reforms on Development: Challenges before Emerging Economies", from Feb24-26 2011 in Delhi. The last date for abstracts is Oct 20, 2010. For details, please visit: 

3. The India Water Forum is holding a convention on 

Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities from 

3-4 November 2010, in Delhi. Registration ends on 25th Oct 2010. For details, visit: 

4. The South Asian Studies Council at Yale University invites submissions of abstracts for the Yale Modern South Asia Workshop to be held between 9-11 April 2011 in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. The deadline for abstracts is October 15 2010. Details are available here:

5. CIS India, UNESCO, WIPO and others are organising an International Conference on Enabling Access to Education Through ICT. For more information, please visit: 

7. The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative has invited people with success stories on the implementation of RTI in India to send in a 1-2 page precis detailing their experiences. Based on submissions, contributors will be invited to a conference on RTI in Delhi on 28-29 Sept, 2010. Their particular areas of interest are the public distribution system, public housing schemes and the criminal justice system.  Responses may be mailed to 

8. The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology will be held on 26-28 Feb 2011 at Singapore. The deadline for abstracts is Oct 30, 2011. For details please visit:

9. The Goettingen Journal of International Law is hosting a conference on "Resources of Conflicts - Conflicts on Resources" from Oct7-9, 2010, in Goettingen. For details please visit: .Note that the deadline for registration has been extended to Sep 23 2010. 

Calls for Papers 
1. The Journal of International Law and International Relations has called for submissions for Vol 7 (1). The Call may be found here:

2. The NLIU Law Review has also called for papers. The deadline is October 4, 2010. Details may be found here: 

Courses and Seminars
1. The Project on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights ihas announced that it is now accepting applications for a new training course on Understanding Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The course will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from 8-12 November 2010. For details please visit:

Events: Film Screenings, Shows, Talks 
1. The Goethe Institute will be screening Polska Love Serenadeby Monika Anna Wojtyllo in German with English sub-titles, on  Sep 16, 2010 at 6 :15 pm, at the Max Mueller Bhavan, Bangalore. 

2. Deepti Diwakar will be speaking on "The Evolution of Consciousness for a Green Planet" at the British Council Library, Bangalore, on Sep 18, 2010 at 5 pm. 

Volunteering and Other Opportunities
1. The theatre group, Fourth Corner is holding auditions for a Kannada play. Relevant information regarding the play and applications may be found here: 

2. The East-West Centre in Washington invites applications from scholars for a fellowship for research in policy issues relating to International relations of Southeast Asia, political change in Southeast Asia and ASEAN integration and community-building efforts.Eligibility may be restricted to people with masters' degrees: please check. The deadline is December 20, 2010. Details are available here: 

3. Cinnamon Teal Publishing, a publishing house in Goa is looking for staff. For details and profiles of available positions, please visit: 

4. Samhita, a philanthropic endeavour, has launched Socially Positive, an online platform where you can use your skills with blogging, poster design and so on for social purposes. It's structured as competition, i.e. there will be awards. For details visit: 

5. Dr Vandana Shiva's organisation Navdanya invite internships. For details, please visit:

In the News
1. The Microfinance India State of the Sector Report, 2009, fourth in the series of annual analytical sector reports is now available as a free download on the  microfinance gateway. The report is commissioned by Access Development Services, provides information and a critical commentary on the developments in the Indian microfinance sector. Available at:

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Calls for Papers 

1. The Centre for Labour Studies, a Delhi based resource centre,  is coming out with two new journals, Labour Notes in English and Shram Samvad in Hindi. Articles are invited on themes of labour, economic globalisation, emerging markets and labour vulnerability, new economy, opportunities and disjointed integration in Third World countries by October 15 for the November issue and November 15 for the December issue. The theme for the December issue will be Labour Migration. Articles and queries should be sent to Parthasarathi JenaExecutive Director-Centre for Labour Studies(CLS) &, Editor-in-Chief Labour Notes and Sharam Samvad, BlockA,20A- Second Floor, Lajpatngar Nagar, New Delhi-110024, Cell: ++91- 9811871868, Phone/Fax: ++91-11-46678487 , Email:

2.  The School of Economics at the Devi Ahilya University of Indore is organising a two day National Seminar on 19-20 November 2010 on Natural Resources and Economic Development. Papers may be sent in to by October 31 2010. For details please visit: 

3. The Jindal Global Law Review invites submissions for its next issue on "The Changing Role of Law in Asia: Revolution or Devolution?". The issue will explore the effect of the evolution of laws and regulations in Asia with particular attention to the contemporary social, political and economic landscape of Asia. Abstracts are due by September 15th. For more details, visit: 

 Conferences, Seminars and Consultations

1. Women in Cities International and Jagori are organising a conference on Womens' Safety: Building Inclusive Cities from November 22-24 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Registration should be completed by Sep 15 2010. For details please visit: 

2. The Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow is organising a conference on Inclusive Development In India: Past Experience, Present Challenges and Future Development on December 20-21, 2010. An expression of interest should be mailed in after which the organisers may choose to invite you to write a paper. For details visit:

3. The Institute for Dialogue With Cultures and Religions, Chennai is organising a National Level Consultation on 'The Role of Caste in Politics and Governance in India' from 21-23 Oct 2010. For details and registration, please visit:

4. The International Conference on Social Science and Humanity will be held in Singapore from 26-28 Feb 2011. Paper proposals/abstracts are due on October 30 2010. For details please visit 


1. Ranga Shankara will be conducting a theatre appreciation course, facilitated by Sadanand Menon, from Oct 22-24 and Oct 30-Nov 1. For applications email 

Events (Plays, Concerts)

1. India Foundation for the Arts, is bringing a Dastangoi performance to Bangalore. Dastangoi, the traditional art of storytelling, involves the performance of ancient epics in Hindi or Urdu. This performance will be by Danish Husain (noted poet) and Mahmood Farooqi (Rhodes scholar and co-director of Peepli Live) on September 25th, 2010. Details are available at


1. Seagate and Kunzum are conducting four world-wide photography competitions, starting September 9 and ending November 7, 2010. Details are available here:

2. Nandini Voice for the Deprived, a Chennai NGO invites entries for an essay competition, on the topic "Has Gandhian Philosophy Been Lost in Present Day India?". Entries should be max 1500 words, in English, Hindi or Tamil and should be sent to by September 20 2010. For more details visit:

General Interest/News

1. The Draft Rules for Implementation of the Right to Education Act, India, are now available in English and Kannada at The Ministry has asked for comments and responses to the same, by September 30th, 2010. 

2. The Whistleblowers Bill 2010 has been uploaded for comments and feedback at Last date is September 30 2010. 

3. Jaanagraha, a Bangalore-based NGO is looking for part time teachers to work with local schools on an education programme.  They estimate a requirement of about 15 hours a week. For details please visit:

Friday, September 3, 2010


1. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is organising a conference on The Berlin International Human Rights Congress:
Human Rights and Democracy in a Globalized World - Moving Towards an International Consensus?" (Berlin, 1st - 4th October 2010). Applications to attend are open now. For further information, please visit:

2. The Clute Institute is organising a conference on innovative techniques in college education, on June 6-9, 2011 at Barcelona. Proposals are due 2 weeks before the conference. Details are available here:

Workshops, Talks and Courses
1. The South Asia Movement Building and Human Rights Institute has called for applications for a course from 1-5 November for women with experience in working with NGOs, on leadership and human rights. It will be held in Kathmandu. The deadline for applications is 10 September 2010. Details are available here:

2. Richard M Stallman will be delivering a lecture on Free Software Movement and GNU /Linux Operating System at the Reva Institute of Technology, on 8th September. You will have to book a seat if you want to attend, for which you must contact Dr. Sunil Kumar S. Manvi, Head of the Department, ECE , , 9449436754

3. The Human Rights Education Association is offering  distance learning courses on Safeguards Against Torture and Ill-Treatment, and on International Refugee Law and Contemporary Challenges. The deadline for registration is 15th September 2010. For details please visit:

Film Screenings, Plays and Readings 
1. There will be anumber of interesting plays in Hindi, English and Kannada at Ranga Shankara theatre through the month of September. They've released their September schedule which can be accessed here: (scroll over the link that says, 'Show All'. 

2. Cult Entertainment will be performing Moliere's play, Imaginary Entertainment, at the Alliance Francaise, on September 4th, 2010. Tickets and details are available on

3. Naatak Bangalore will be reading Ashish Joshwar's Hey Ishwar! (Hindi) on 5th September 2010, in Koramangala. For details, contact:

4. Sharanya Manivannan and Shruthi Krishnan, will be reading short fiction and poetry at Crossword Bookstore (Residency Road) at 6 pm, in an event organised by Toto Funds the Arts, on 7th September, 2010. 

1. FES India is organising a case competition on the governance of the commons. The first synopsis is due on September 6th, 2010. For details, visit:

2. India Carbon Outlook is organising a competition on writing a short note on Sustainability and Leadership. The deadline is September 18th. For details, visit:

Of Interest/News
1. The Central Vigilance Commission has called for comments on the new Draft National Anti-Corruption Strategy. The deadline is 20th September. The strategy is available at: . Comments may be mailed to

2. The Government of India is offering scholarships for disabled students. For details visit: 

Volunteering, Calls for Support
1. The Bangalore Citizens' Initiative will be organising a protest on the recent deaths at the Beggars Home in Bangalore, from Town Hall to the statue of Mahatma Gandhi on 3rd September 2010, at 4pm. Supporters are requested to wear black. 

2. Rukmini Kapoor, a Teach for India Fellow in Mumbai requests support in the form of books, toys, CDs and stationery for underprivileged children between the age of 5-13. She can be contacted at