Calls for Papers and Conferences
1. The Amity Law School Journal ALSD calls for submissions for its first volume.
2. The 10th Global Conference on 'Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship' will be held from Friday 8th July 2011 to Sunday 10th July 2011 at Mansfield College, Oxford. The Steering Group welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 14th January 2011.
3. The 4th Global Conference on Forgiveness will be held on Wednesday 20th July – Friday 22nd July 2011 at Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom. Absracts are due by Friday
14th January 2011.
14th January 2011.
4. The City: 2nd International Conference on Culture, Society, Technology will be held from 5 to 6 May 2011 in Vancouver, Canada. The deadline for abstracts seems to be Jan 31st, but please check again.
5. A conference on "The Ideal Woman - Interrogating Feminity across Disciplines and Time", at Queens' University, Belfast on 11-12 March 2011. Abstracts are due on December 17th.
6. The 17th Commonwealth Law Conference will take place in Hyderabad, India on Feb 6th to 9th, 2011. Visit the conference website for details.
7. The International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society will be holding a conference on the “Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality”, in Madrid, Spain between July 6-9 2011. The deadline for abstracts is Jan 10th, 2011.
8. the 2nd International Symposium of the International Research Centre for Intercultural Studies (C.I.R.S.I.) will be held from 16-17-18 February, 2011 in Brussels (Belgium) on “Diversity, Gender and Discrimination in Spaces". Deadline for abstracts submission: December 30th, 2010.
8. the 2nd International Symposium of the International Research Centre for Intercultural Studies (C.I.R.S.I.) will be held from 16-17-18 February, 2011 in Brussels (Belgium) on “Diversity, Gender and Discrimination in Spaces". Deadline for abstracts submission: December 30th, 2010.
1. The Chandra Gurung Conservation Foundation (CGCF) Mentorship Program for Nepalese students is calling for applications for its six month, 2011 Fellowship program. Interested applications should contact the foundation directly at
2. The Urban Habitats Forum and Ministry of Urban Development, GoI call for applications for the 2011 Fellowship on Urban Mobility. The Conference will take place in Delhi from Dec 3rd - 5th.
3. Enable India is looking for volunteers to help with their job fair for disabled persons. Contact them directly (details on their website).
4. Mashaal Theatre is holding auditions for its latest play, which is in Hindi. For details contact
5. The Global Youth Assembly will be held from July 27-30th, 2011. Register as a delegate on their website.
6. The Kabul Centre for Strategic Studies will be accepting interns for 2011.
7. The Point Foundation is offering scholarships for LGBT students.
8. Registration for the World Social Forum is open till December 15th.
6. The Kabul Centre for Strategic Studies will be accepting interns for 2011.
7. The Point Foundation is offering scholarships for LGBT students.
8. Registration for the World Social Forum is open till December 15th.
1. There will be an exhibition of photos of German jazz at the Max Mueller Bhavan from December 8th to 17th, 2010.
2. MetroPlus (the news supplement to The Hindu) and Ranga Shankara are organising a theatre fest through December. There are a number of interesting plays.
4. From December 8th-17th, the Max Mueller Bhavan will be exhibiting a selection of photographs on German jazz.
5. There will be three upcoming events at 1 Shanti Road in the next week; on 11th, German artist-in-residence at the Max Mueller Bhavan, Timo Seber, will be displaying his work from 6:30 pm onwards, on 12th, there will be 'Nollywooded', a set of screenings and discussions on the Norwegian film industry, and on 15th, Kajri Jain will deliver a lecture on "The Handbag that Exploded; Mayawati's Monuments and the Aesthetics of Democracy in Post-Reform India", at 6:30 pm.